Now that you've decided to take this program, you need to learn about all of the career choices and paths you can follow. For this assignment, you will build upon what you've learned about using Premiere Rush and create a presentation about the careers in the Multimedia industry.
You will develop a storyboard to generate and organize your ideas to create your presentation. We will participate in lectures describing these careers as well as a variety of resources for you to do your research. Once your storyboard is approved, you will move on to creating your project as a video presentation.
You will use Apple Quicktime to record videos from sources such as Google and Youtube to record clips of these careers showing people working in the industry and examples of the equipment being used along with slides and titles. You will also use Quicktime to do a "Voiceover" the videos explaining the career and what they're doing
What are you interested in? Do you know what your strengths are? What are your likes and dislikes? The first step is to get to know yourself. Take the quiz below and see what your results are! When you are done, take a screenshot (SHIFT+COMMAND+4) and upload your results to Schoology so we can compare with other students. Click on the image below to take the Interest Profiler.
Next you need to do is research your chosen career path. What skills and education do you need? What is the job outlook? good? bad? How much does it pay? These are just a few questions you need to consider before making your final decision. Use the provided checklist above to conduct your research .
Using the resources below, research and collect videos and photos that illustrate and support the answers to your questions. Try to find content that shows a "day in the life" of the person in that career. For example, someone operating a sound board, people having a meeting, somone on a computer, etc.
Create a Storyboard to lay out your video. Use the lines on the storyboard to Script out what you’re going to say. A storyboard is a visual representation of how a story will play out, scene by scene. It’s made up of a chronological series of images, with accompanying notes. A storyboard is a graphic representation of how your video will unfold, shot by shot.
A storyboard communicates a filmmaker's vision. It sets out how you want the final piece to flow - whether it's a feature film, a novel, a presentation, a short film, or a marketing video - and simplifies the entire creative process. Storyboarding does more than summarize your plot's most relevant details. It's a process that gives you and your team members a project's tangible, visual flow when it's time to collaborate and make key creative decisions in the pre-production process. Although it takes time to make a storyboard, it'll save you time (and money) in the long run.
What is a Story Board?
Pixar Story Board in Action
Use Apple Quicktime, collect video clips, and use Google to collect images of content related to your career path.
Using our handheld audio recorders, you will do a voiceover to narrate your video using the answers to the questions above to match what’s happening in the video.
Using the media you have collected, use Adobe Premiere Rush to create your Career Presentation
Your presentation should be a MINIMUM of 2 minutes
Add a soundtrack using “royalty-free” background music from YouTube using Sample
Please refer to the checklist for detailed instructions

Oftentimes, the first question that someone will ask is: “What do you do?” In our society, our careers are commonly linked to our identities. According to Dr. Sigmund Freud, “Success in work and love is the hallmark of mental health.”
There are many factors involved in the evolution of our careers, including, but not limited to: identifying our personal interests, conducting research to gain career information, making sound career decisions, and actually obtaining a job. This is a career guidance project, consisting of activities that are designed to assist students in discovering themselves and possible course-related careers.
In this program, you'll learn about different careers in Multimedia. Using Premiere Rush, you'll create a presentation about these jobs. You'll plan it out like a comic strip, and after learning from talks and research, you'll turn your plan into a video using Apple Quicktime. You'll gather short video clips from places like Google and YouTube to show what each job is like, and you'll use Quicktime to explain the jobs in your own voice. So, you'll explore Multimedia careers, make a video presentation, and have fun along the way!
101 Investigate career pathways in Communications Technology.
602 Develop a storyboard and shot list.
603 Import and/or transfer media into editing software.
604 Use video and audio effects and transitions.