*Extended time for tests (% will vary per student; refer to IEP)
- All students have an opportunity to finish the test outside the theory room if they need more time. Students can also ask to take the test on their own later in class time if they need to. The information on the test is career-based information, it's not if they learn it, but when
*Positive reinforcement to encourage students to remain on task and focused
- Students have at least 3 - 5 different projects going on in the 2-week section, this allows students to pick and choose the project that they want to work on during class. This helps with focus on completing projects, while also allowing freedom to succeed and develop an understanding of time management.
* Modified assessments/quizzes per student IEP
- The program uses Quizlet to allow students to take a modified test if needed, the students can also use Quizlet as a study tool if needed. The specific tests for each section are linked to the project sections.
* Study Guides for tests/quizzes
- Students work in their sketchbooks to prepare for quizzes and tests, all resource information is provided on the website along with Quizlet practice tests and study guides.
* Long Term Assignments broken into smaller chunks with a timeline for each chunk
- Students have at least 3 - 5 different projects going on in the 2-week section, this allows students to pick and choose the project that they want to work on during class. This helps with focus on completing projects, while also allowing freedom to succeed and develop an understanding of time management.
* Preferential seating to reduce distractions
- The class setup allows students to sit where they feel most comfortable. This allows students to work away from the larger crowds of students or with friends that may help them learn in a small group environment. If the instructors feel the students need to be in the front row during lectures, then instructions will be put in place.
* Use of calculator when necessary for quizzes or tests
- Math is not really a huge part of this program* Provide for repetition of newly learned skills- All of the POS Tasks in the program are based on development ideas, the students learn the basics first and then master the concepts by the end of their 2-3 years in the program. The end results are examples in their career portfolios.
* Extra time for assignments/missing assignments (% will vary per student; refer to IEP)
- All Class Assignments are two weeks long, and all student project times have a 4-6 hour buffer included in the two-week projects, if students need extra time they have the weekend after projects are due to be complete if more time is needed without penalty to grade.
* Communication with parent/case manager when behavior/academic issues arise; test/assignments grades
- During our first few weeks of school and the parent night, contact information is put into the grading system in case of parent contact is needed. The entire class website and parent portal are always available for viewing 24 hours a day. Parents and students can constantly update their calendars if needed.
* Verbal/Non-Verbal prompts, cues to stay on task
- Each day students are reminded of the class project expectations and these requirements and video tutorials are also on the class website
* Graphic Organizers
- The class website offers the opportunity to print out resources and step-by-step instructions along with video tutorials
* Modify the number and length of directions for tasks
- CTE programs are competency-based, this allows the students to develop at their own speed and pace.
* Carefully read IEPs and SDIs; for other important information; refer questions to the Case Manager
- Completed, as per the date of this student note
* Small group instruction, peer buddy/tutor as necessary
- The class setup allows students to sit where they feel most comfortable. This allows students to work away from the larger crowds of students or with friends that may help them learn in a small group environment. If the instructors feel the students need to be in the front row during lectures, then instructions will be put in place.
* Provide wait time to allow for processing of information
* Re-teaching of assignment/task for further clarification
- Class structure and projects are all designed with open-ended questions. This allows students to use practice time and process information at their own pace.