Did you know there is a simple process that can dramatically increase the efficiency of our daily lives? With this tool, we can optimize our time, increase productivity, and make the most out of our days. What is it you ask? Goal setting. That’s right, this elementary skill is so useful in leading a successful life, yet often overlooked due to familiarity. Since people become too familiar with the idea of goal setting, they often forget its main purpose. Goal setting is a strategy you will apply for the rest of your life. When we set our goals, we want to be very clear about them so that we have the best chance to achieve them. The key to remember is that goals come in all shapes and sizes. Just because it doesn’t work for someone else doesn’t mean that you can’t achieve it. Your kids will learn from both their achievements and setbacks, but as they begin to set personal goals, they will learn and grow in ways that you did not think possible. So, to begin, let’s take a look at what goals are.
Your first step is to take a few assessments to learn a little bit about yourself to see what direction you want to go in to select your goal
Take each of the 4 assessments:
Work Values
Take your time and answer the questions honestly. If you "guess your way through it" your results will be incorrect and you won't be able to create your goal properly
Take the information you've learned from the assessments and start thinking about what your goals will be for this assignment
When each test is done, take a screenshot of the results and upload them to Schoology

Your first step is to take a few assessments to learn a little bit about yourself to see what direction you want to go in to select your goal
Download the "Smart Goals Worksheet" to your right and write out your goal.
Do your research
Is this a goal What can you do to ensure success?​
What obstacles could there be?
What are the solutions to overcome them?
What are the benefits of this goal
Will you need someone's help?
How will you know if you've accomplished your goal?
Fill out the SMART goals worksheet
Be thorough ​
Make sure the whole document is filled out
Submit your final document to Schoology

Using your completed S.M.A.R.T. Goals worksheet as a template, create a 2-minute video about what your goal is and how you're going to accomplish it.​
You must include ALL of these questions in your video:
​Specific: What exactly will you accomplish? What is your goal?
Measurable: How will you know when you have reached this goal?
Achievable: Is achieving this goal realistic with effort and commitment? Have you got the resources to achieve this goal? If not, how will you get them?
Relevant: Why is this goal significant to your life?
Timely: When will you achieve this goal?
This goal is important because?
The benefits of achieving this goal be?
Potential Obstacles along with the Potential Solutions?
Who are the people you will ask to help you?
Specific Action Steps: What steps need to be taken to get you to your goal?
Video Specifications
You can use Capcut, Premiere Pro, Rush and iMovie
Your final video must be a MINIMUM of 2 minutes
You must have an introduction to your video with your name and a statement of your goal
Using the microphones and voice recorders, you will narrate the video
You can create your text slides with Photoshop
You must use Transitions/Effects between clips
You must have an ending to your video
You must also supply ORIGINAL music created in Garageband as your background track using loops.
Export video and upload to Schoology

Student Goal:
Did you know there is a simple process that can dramatically increase the efficiency of our daily lives? With this tool, we can optimize our time, increase productivity, and make the most out of our days. What is it you ask? Goal setting. That’s right, this elementary skill is so useful in leading a successful life, yet often overlooked due to familiarity. Since people become too familiar with the idea of goal setting, they often forget its main purpose.
Student Objective:
After completion of the lecture and the class exercises, the students will develop a long-term goal (6-12 months) using the S.M.A.R.T. template and then create a 2-minute video explaining their goal
Lesson/Project Overview:
Goal setting is a strategy you will apply for the rest of your life. When we set our goals, we want to be very clear about them so that we have the best chance to achieve them. The key to remember is that goals come in all shapes and sizes. Just because it doesn’t work for someone else doesn’t mean that you can’t achieve it. Your kids will learn from both their achievements and setbacks, but as they begin to set personal goals, they will learn and grow in ways that you did not think possible.
Program Tasks Covered:
704 Use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources collaboratively.
705 Determine strategies for success in multimedia projects.
Total Hours To Complete:
(10 Days - 20 Hours)